WHAT: Open Audition for the 2019 Spring Season
WHEN: January 21, 2018, 6:30pm
WHERE: Wesley Palms (Activity Room)
2404 Loring Street, San Diego
Seeking women who love to sing! Join us to meet other Choral Club singers, get the skinny on rehearsals, concerts and activities, and practice the fall season music. At least 10 outreach and public concerts will be performed from April through June, 2019.
Please try to arrive by 6:15 to complete the enrollment process before rehearsal starts at 7pm. Auditioning members will be informed of their results via email within the following week. If you cannot audition on this time and date, please contact us to schedule an alternative audition time.
NOTE: This evening will be auditions, only-no rehearsal. Regular rehearsals start January 28, 2019.
1. To be successful in Choral Club of San Diego (“CCSD”), you should have some prior music experience either singing in a school, community or church chorus, or playing a musical instrument. Music sight-reading skills, while helpful, are not required.
2. You must be able to commit to the full rehearsal and performance season (Spring Season runs from late-January/early February through mid-May/early June, and Fall Season runs from mid- August through early-December). Rehearsals are held on Wednesday nights from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. At the end of each season, there are 10-12 performances which will occur on evenings and weekends.
3. Your audition with the CCSD Music Director and Assistant Music Director will include the following:
a. Performance of 16 to 32 measures of one of the solo audition songs posted on the CCSD website. The website contains the lyrics and the accompaniment for each song. [Find prep tracks and lyrics on our Auditions page.
(Worth up to 20 points.)
b. A check of your vocal range, from high notes to low notes, to determine your vocal placement.
c. A test to see how accurately you can sing a note played for you on the piano. (Worth up to 10 points.)
d. A test to see how accurately you can sing back a short combination of notes and rhythms played on the piano. (Worth up to 10 points.)
e. Performance of 16 measures of a song with others in your same vocal range to see how well you can blend your voice with the group. (Worth up to 10 points.)
4. In order to maintain impartiality, no coaching or assistance with preparation for the audition can be provided by the CCSD Music Director, Assistant Music Director or other agent of CCSD.
You must score at least 35 points at the audition to be admitted to the CCSD chorus.